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People Suck: Why It’s Our Fault

April 10, 20245 min read

People suck. And we, as leaders, have often made it that way.

Maybe it’s because we don't give them the tools they need to be successful. Maybe we don't give them the time that they need to really learn the work that’s required of them. And maybe it’s because we say we want a team, but we are not ready to actually lead.

We often don’t have the right systems in place or provide the feedback and tools necessary to get the work done the way we want. We don’t clearly define what “done” means. Heck, sometimes WE don’t even know what “done” means!

The truth is, without processes and systems, it’s no wonder people sometimes suck.

Why People Suck

People suck because we expect them to be mind readers, to know exactly what we want of them and why, even when we don’t communicate that information clearly or concisely. We just expect them to know.

And when they don’t, we’re disappointed in their performance and the end results. In turn, we point a finger at them, placing blame where it should not be placed.

As leaders, we should be pointing the finger at ourselves. It is OUR fault when our team doesn’t perform to the standard we’ve set. It’s OUR fault when unstated expectations aren’t meant. It is OUR fault when we fail to provide what they need in terms of support, education, and instruction.

Maybe… it’s us who suck because we don’t understand what our team needs and how to provide it.

Ineffective Leadership Leads to Employees that Suck

As business owners, we must provide team members with what they need to do their jobs and do them well. And while every business runs a bit differently, here are the common threads that tend to lead to the ineffective leadership that causes people to suck in the first place.

  • Lack of proper onboarding and ramp-up: It’s easy for business owners to know how things work in their own business, but it’s not always easy for new team members to catch on, especially when it’s a new role, process, or concept. And when too little or too much information is provided, especially during onboarding, it’s likely to end in confusion or misunderstanding.

  • Unclear expectations and role management: In small businesses, roles can change quickly. When something needs to be done, somebody needs to do it, regardless if it’s in their job description or not. But a new hire may not know this. They don’t know that at times they need to step out of their role and take on new tasks.

  • No process structure: Processes are what keep business systems running smoothly. And without them, things can quickly turn in the wrong direction. When processes are lacking, tasks can easily be forgotten, information lost, and suddenly it seems like people are ineffective doing what you hired them to do.

  • Not providing constructive feedback: Providing a space to allow employees to ask questions is not enough. Often, they don’t know what questions to ask. By assuming they’ll reach out if they need help and not being proactive in their development, leadership creates an environment where it’s difficult for employees to reach their full potential.

It comes down to a lack of communication and training. That’s what makes our employees seem like they suck. But training and communication don’t fall on our team’s shoulders. Those are leadership’s responsibilities.

So maybe it’s not employees’ fault when they suck. Maybe it’s on us.

How People Respond to Poor Leadership

When all aspects of poor leadership come together, it leads to team members who don't know how to do the work the way that we want it done. They become ineffective because we haven't clearly communicated nor created the systems and tools that allow them to contribute productively.

And how does this manifest in employees? They treat the work like it’s just a paycheck. Perhaps they’re buying their time, looking for something better, somewhere they’ll feel appreciated and seen. Or maybe they’re going through the motions, painfully aware that it’s just not working.

Because right now, they may feel like a piece of meat. Like what they’re doing doesn’t really matter. Maybe they believe they’re just lining the boss’s pockets. And that there has to be something better out there for them.

They may have poor attendance, not recognizing the significance of their role, and feeling like they’re not making a difference. If that’s the case, what’s the point of going to work? It’s easier to call off than put in the effort.

Maybe they’re quiet quitting, silently displaying their discontent while trying to get enough time in so they can collect unemployment and get a reprieve. Or worse yet, maybe they’re quiet staying. Miserable and unhappy, but not understanding why it’s not all working the way it’s supposed to.

When employees reach this stage, it starts to affect the way they interact with clients or customers. The fact is, team members often interact with the end user in the same way that leadership interacts with them. So if employees feel mistreated, chances are that trickles down to the customer as well.

This impact is massive. From the upfront costs of hiring and onboarding to dealing with poor retention and turnover to bad customer service, these become the invisible costs that hurt the business’s bottom line.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. When your leadership style changes for the better, so does your team.

Become an Effective Leader

When you want your people to be effective, you need to be an effective leader. And that’s what we specialize in here at HR TailorMade. If you’re ready to be a leader who doesn’t suck, reach out. We’re here to help.

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